The Augsburg Confession...
The Cornerstone of Lutheranism
The "Confessio Augustana", otherwise known as the "Augsburg Confession", stands as a pivotal document in the history of the Reformation. Drafted in 1530, it became a defining text of Lutheranism and a powerful symbol of the Protestant Reformation. Today, the Augsburg Confession remains a foundational document for Lutheran churches worldwide.
Most Lutheran Churches today, subscribe to the "Unaltered Augsburg Confession" (UAC) while being mostly unaware of the 1540 "Variata", otherwise known as the "Altered" Augsburg Confession, and how it differs from the 1530 edition. Melanchthon's revisions of 1540 involve complex issues that are often misunderstood or unknown to the majority of Lutherans today.
The Augsburg Confession of 1540...
The "Variata" (1540/42)In 1540, Melanchthon made extensive revisions to several Articles of the Augsburg Confession. History tends to mislead many today into thinking Melanchthon softened the wording in this revised edition to appease the Calvinists. However, upon reading it, you will see that despite some very slight (arguable) softening of Article X, the remainder of his revisions consist of adding extensive clarity to many of the articles and should not be accused of softening or obfuscating any doctrinal beliefs.
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